Energy Gift Exchange day 10 16:11:11

There were two exchanges today – the first a virtual exchange, the second a real time one. Artist Cathy Fitzgerald transferred a copy of her video ‘Transformation’ to me over the Internet. This was saved to my laptop, which I then connected to the video mixer and data...

Energy Gift Exchange Day 8 9:11:11

Julie Murphy, Ceri Owen Jones, Michael Harvey and an eager audience all arrived at the same time this morning. It takes me 15 minutes or so to get set up so everyone else sorted themselves out with drinks and looking at the rest of the show until I was ready. This...

Shedding Skins : Energy Gift Exchange diary

‘Shedding Skins’ begins on 17th October and is open until 18th November 2011. The private view is on 21st October when the show will be formally opened by Eileen Adams. Eileen is the driving force behind The Big Draw and The Campaign for Drawing. View the...

Energy Gift Exchange Day 7 1:11:11

In contrast to yesterday, today was a very busy day. I began by drawing into another friend’s video. Vivian sent me a film of herself making her young child ‘fly’. ‘Kaat’s first flight’ is the result of me working into this short video 5...

Energy Gift Exchange Day 5 28:10:11

Today was very busy from the beginning. Ditty Dokter and Simon Harmer performed in the space and four student groups attended sessions throughout the day in addition to members of the public visiting the show. Ditty began with a wonderful storytelling session. She...

Energy Gift Exchange Day 4 26:10:11

Dafydd Wyn Roberts  sang songs written by Howie Phillips. He sang Drifting Away, Comfort and Happiness, Wounded in Love, Blindside and Tears. Although I only drew Dafydd’s movement, the recognizable image of man and guitar is discernible in the final drawings. The...