Glaslyn Osprey Project – Artist in Residence 2016

I have been working at Glaslyn Osprey Visitors centre again, drawing from the live video feed. It is another fantastic season. Mrs G and Aran have successfully incubated, hatched and are rearing two chicks. We don’t know what gender they are yet – but the...

MarKings Festival

I will be talking about drawing the Ospreys from the live video feed at MarKings illustration and performance festival and symposium. Organized by Central St Martins School of Art in collaboration with House of Illustration, London. 8-9 July 2016...

Glaslyn Osprey project – artist in residence 2015

I am currently doing a residency at the Glaslyn Osprey project on a voluntary basis. This organization is entirely run by volunteers and dependent on donations to keep going. All the drawings I make are for sale and a percentage of the price is donated back to the...

Y Mabinogi Videos

I have now added videoed sections of the Mabinogi performance drawing. You can see some on the Artwork page and the rest are on my You Tube channel.

Cerebellium 2014

Cerebellium 2014 was an immersive theatre experience. I painted the action live while Professor Guillaume Thierry, playing Professor Kurtz, explained the workings of his ‘brain in the vat’. The brain communicated through music to scientists and friends....