Y Mabinogi Videos

I have now added videoed sections of the Mabinogi performance drawing. You can see some on the Artwork page and the rest are on my You Tube channel.

Energy Gift Exchange day 10 16:11:11

There were two exchanges today – the first a virtual exchange, the second a real time one. Artist Cathy Fitzgerald transferred a copy of her video ‘Transformation’ to me over the Internet. This was saved to my laptop, which I then connected to the video mixer and data...

Energy Gift Exchange Day 7 1:11:11

In contrast to yesterday, today was a very busy day. I began by drawing into another friend’s video. Vivian sent me a film of herself making her young child ‘fly’. ‘Kaat’s first flight’ is the result of me working into this short video 5...

Energy Gift Exchange Day 6 31:10:11

A quiet day with no groups booked in and some time to reflect, document the show with photos and videos as well as continue with the exchange. A friend is in New Zealand but wanted to participate in the Energy Gift Exchange so she made videos of her new location and...